The Client-Centred Psychotherapy




Participant will have confirmation from supervisor (confirming supervised hours) and from therapist (confirming hours of individual training therapy). 
Participant will complete a written Supervisory Practice Report. This report will show that the participant is able to analyse and process a part of clinical work (at least 8-12 sessions) with a specific focus on how supervision inputs and context of supervision (individual, group) developed their client-centred work, from a person-centred theoretical perspective.

These three documents are a necessary pre-requisite for admission to Final Panel.



The final process is a panel. It consists of at least three Client-Centred therapists who will check all necessary documents have been submitted correctly. 
The panel and participant will discuss the participant’s Supervised Practice Report. The panel will also ask questions that relate to the Supervised Practice Report, the overall training and of a general professional nature.



To apply for the Final Panel (FP) of the Client-Centred Psychotherapy programme you need to submit:
1. Copy of Certificate received when you completed the 3 year group training programme in Client-Centred Psychotherapy organized by PVŠPS.

2. Confirmation of individual work since completing the 3 year programme:

  • Client contact hours                          400 hours                                                 
    Signed document confirming hours from institution or “čestné prohlášení” in the case of private practice.
  • Supervision                                       150 hours
    Signed document confirming hours from supervisor(s)
  • Mental Health Placement                    40 hours
    Signed document from institution confirming hours
  • Individual training therapy                   80 hours
    Signed document/s from therapist/s

3. Final Panels will take place twice a year in April and October. The next Final Panel is planned for October 2024. The Supervised Practice Report should be submitted by beginning of September 2024.

4. Four to six weeks before the Final Panel date participant will send their Supervised Practice Report to one of their training facilitators.

5. On successful completion at the Final Panel, PVŠPS-PPF will award the Certificate in Complex Educational Programme in Client-Centred Psychotherapy.  

6. The fee for the Final Panel is 2.500.- CZK. This fee will be paid by the participant to the PVŠPS account. Please contact Milena Balá about form of payment.

7. It is necessary to successfully attend the Final Panel no later than 6 years from the time of obtaining the Certificate for the first part of the training programme.

8. In exceptional circumstances it might be possible to extend the timing of the Final Panel beyond 6 years. Please contact your facilitators to discuss your situation.

9. If you cannot find the relevant information on this page, please contact Vlado Hlavenka ( or Martin Miler ( 


Long-life professional development

Certified Client-Centred participants are committed to long-life professional development in psychotherapy and related fields. If the participant wants to be registered in the list of certified participants of Client-Centred Psychotherapy training at PVŠPS-PPF, they are required to attend at least;
- 4 professional psychotherapeutic lectures or seminar per year
- 10 hours of supervision per year.
These professional activities are registered into the Index of long-life professional development that is scrutinised and accredited every 5 years, controlled by PVŠPS-PPF.

Participants of the training programme will obtain Index when they evidence activities undertaken.

Non-registered activities will be not accepted For Czech participants working in Czech Republic.


samostatnému vykonávání psychoterapie je nutné mít kromě psychoterapeutického vzdělání vysokoškolské vzdělání v některé pomáhající profesi (medicína, psychologie, sociální práce apod.).

Pro práci ve zdravotnictví (kde je psychoterapie hrazena pojišťovnou) je kromě psychoterapeutického vzdělání podmínkou následující vzdělání:
-    medicína + atestace z psychiatrie (výjimečně z jiného oboru) + funkční specializace z psychoterapie,
-    psychologie + atestace z klinické psychologie + funkční specializace z psychoterapie.